Just make sure you remove any dried slime first with a dull knife or the edge of a credit card and remember that you should never rub a slime stain, since this will push the stuff deeper into the fabric. Once the solution has worked its magic (try to let it soak for at least eight hours), toss the garment in the washing machine for a spin (check the label for care instructions) and it should be good as new, says Leverette.
We asked cleaning expert Mary Marlowe Leverette how to get slime out of clothes and her top recommendation was to mix an oxygen-based bleach (such as OxiClean, Nellie's All Natural Oxygen Brightener or OXO Brite) with cool water and then soak your clothing in the mixture, per product instructions.

Annoying? Yes, but not a complete disaster. Your kid was playing with slime and then proceeded to give you a giant hug, smearing the brightly-colored goop all over your favorite sweater. Use the conditioner-shampoo method to remove any remaining slime, then clean hair as usual to get rid of the oily residue. Rinse the comb as you brush through the hair. Once the slime starts to loosen, use a comb to tease it out. Gently massage a few spoonfuls of oil into the slimey strands, moving in the direction of hair growth. For this method, you can use almost any cooking oil you have lying around, including olive, avocado, canola and vegetable.ġ. You know the drill by now-oil is slime’s mortal enemy and the key to detangling your mini’s tresses. The oil in the PB works in just the same way as mayo and should help coax the slime out of the hair. No mayonnaise in the fridge? You can substitute with peanut butter and use the same method as above. Tip: Use a nice-smelling shampoo and conditioner to nix any lingering odors on your kid’s scalp. Once most of the slime has been removed, use the conditioner-shampoo method above to remove any leftover sticky stuff. Use a fine-tooth comb to gently remove pieces of slime, again making sure to clean the comb as you go along. Gently massage the mayo into the hair using your fingertips, going from root to shaft.
Add a couple of spoonfuls of mayonnaise to the affected area. (BTW, per the American Academy of Dermatology, using this type of oily substance will also remove that wad of chewing gum from your kid’s hair!) Here’s how it works:ġ. It may sound weird but cleaning expert Jolie Kerr swears by the mayo method.

Remember what we said earlier about oil being just the thing to combat slime? Well, your favorite sandwich spread just so happens to be loaded with the stuff. How to Get Slime Out of Hair with Mayonnaise Rinse the shampoo out and dry hair normally. Apply shampoo to hair and create a lather by massaging the product into the scalp. Wash the comb as you continue to remove the slime. Massage the product into the hair and use a fine-tooth comb to gently remove pieces of slime. Apply a generous amount of conditioner to slime-soaked strands. Why? Because most conditioners contain oil, which is exactly what you’ll need to combat all that ooey-gooeyness.

But there’s a trick to this method: Use conditioner first and then suds up with shampoo. When it comes to removing slime from hair, start simple with shampoo and conditioner. How to Get Slime Out of Hair with Shampoo and Conditioner Here’s our handy guide on how to get slime out of hair using common household items-none of which are scissors. But don’t freak out the next time your toddler decides to see what happens when she rubs the stuff all over her baby brother’s head. This means that it’s practically impossible to get out of clothing, upholstery, carpeting and-worst of all-hair. In fact, the only downside is that, well, it’s extremely ooey, gooey and sticky. Add in the fact that it’s budget-friendly and easy-to-transport, and it’s no wonder that slime consistently ranks as one of the hottest toys of the year. Your kids are obsessed with slime and it’s not hard to see why: The ooey, gooey and ridiculously sticky stuff provides endless hours of entertainment for a variety of age groups.